Annie Jacob is a Certified Anusara® Teacher, E-RYT500, YACEP, an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor, 5 Rhythms® Space Holder and the owner of The YogaTonic since 2006. Initiated into the Sri Vidya Lineage, she continues to work with her Teacher Rod Stryker and pursue her Certification in Para® Yoga as well as continue her education in Ayurveda. Annie shines in the area of helping her students overcome injury and pain in the physical body with her in-depth knowledge of alignment as well as supporting students through subtle body awareness to find a state of mental and emotional balance through breath practices, meditation and other yogic techniques. The tools of yoga have helped her personally navigate difficult life experiences, gain appreciation for her body and life and help her grow spiritually. In turn, she enjoys holding space for others to move through a process of self discovery and healing as they connect to their authentic nature and the source of power and peace within. Annie is the founder and owner of The YogaTonic in Salida, CO since 2006. She teaches public classes, private yoga instruction, teacher training and offers workshops and retreats. Annie’s classes are supportive, fun and enlivening. As a business owner, mother and artist, Annie draws from her personal life to help students find balance, creativity and possibility both on and off their mats.